Well I have 20 different steam games to give away. Games like..
∙Risen 2
∙Sacred 2 Gold
∙Saints Row 2
∙Saints row 3 +all DLCs
∙Dead Island
∙Metro 2033
∙Sacred Citadel
∙Dead Space
∙Burnout Paradise
∙Crysis 2
∙Medal of honor
∙Mirrors edge
And if you are extra lucky I might even give a super meat boy I have been holding on to.
Want a free game? All you have to do is participate in my OPERATION eSTICKER BOMB.
Here is how you participate. DOWNLOAD this image,then post that image anywhere on the internet (except Newgrounds or a file dump) and post a link to it here in this post.
The more places you post it, the better. The 5 people with the most posts to different web sites will get to choose which game they get and games are limited to fist come first served. The funniest post will get a bunch of games. And for the rest of the games I will just throw the names of everybody who participate into a hat an choose randomly.
Do you hate video games or steam but still want to participate... well then go ahead, post your links like crazy, just don't forget to post a link to them here so we can give you kudos.
Also... why bacon? Why not?
---NEW GAME---
Me and xraven13 made an arena shooting game together. Click HERE to play it!
---OLD GAME---
Also I made this other game last week. Trying to keep it on the DL :D
But Check it out if you haven't already.
Click here to go back in time!
While I am always working on a number of projects, this one is a little different. I have been recently been added to a team of talented developers to work on a pretty impressive looking game. After I get some stuff finished for them I will go into more detail, but for now I will just say I will be working with one of my favorite flash devs from here on NG.
Halloween is quickly approaching, I am thinking of putting all other projects on hold so I can finish something for the holiday... Holiday seems like such a chump term for such an awesome occasion.
follow me on TWITTER or TUMBLR
I just seen CLATFORM posted this
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