"Best's Fury". Say that ten times fast.
Two men enter, one man leave!
Age 43
McDonalds training video
The Pitt
Joined on 8/4/11
"Best's Fury". Say that ten times fast.
"that ten times fast"
Any live streams so i can watch it
I know the other guys live stream all the time, but sadly I do not.
there better be some medals in the game that evildog is working at and plus once it is hallow ween can u go to pico day subbmission that u made in april 2012 to make me own 100 medals points ok ;).
I could... okay, maybe I can't.
I don't know why but for some ODD reason that picture reminds me of a part of a town I saw in I wanna say it was a Final Fantasy game (since you only have the one half up).
Shit. What part was that...if I could remember I'd put a link on here so you could get what I'm talking about.
It mainly reminds me of it because of how that building is placed and the fact that there is a bridge there.
I have only played 3 ff games ok maybe 4
I thought it was Beast's Fury, not Best's Fury? Also a Halloween game with Dracula. Sweet!
Haha, I keep misspelling that.
I've played like 6 of em ._.
But at the moment I only have a copy of VII and I think I have a copy of VIII somewhere around here.
is the game made or u have to finish it?
Well its like 50%-65% done