I have been playing this since before you made your first music update (yeah that long), got to say "really bad ass game". And if you can key map a controller with this game its worth it... its like playing double dragon on steroids!
I have been playing this since before you made your first music update (yeah that long), got to say "really bad ass game". And if you can key map a controller with this game its worth it... its like playing double dragon on steroids!
This game if fucking retarded!!!! please le me explain... The first time I played it I thought it was pretty cool, my army sucked and i got my ass kicked here and there but that's ok, cuz like I said, my army sucked, so I played more. I had given up on attacking cuz it just seemed worthless(i had a unit of lvl 9 with tanks get wiped out by a unit of lvl 1 with pich forks that had 0 attack bonus). So i figured i would just make an insane army that would just crush any one who attacked it, here is what I had 18 level 9 men all equipped with level 9 tanks, 9 strong holds at level 6 or above, level 9 spy network, bunker and hq... We had just landed on mars so we got the 15% bonus and i had 50% happy bonus. So 18 level 9 men with 18 tanks and an 165 attack bonus, And i watched as 1 guy just walked threw my army, I would even except that if i new the guy had huundreds of men and he just wore my men down slowly but thats not what happened , it was like 8 of my men were KIA to two of his men. how the fuck could his unit be that much stronger? This game is just an ultra waist of my time. I don't care if i loose, like i said i was having fun getting my ass kicked when my unit sucked . I am sorry I 5/5ed this the first time i played it.
amazing game!
great made psyduck!
Really funny man!
I made a sopa flash, but this one is the funniest one i have seen yet!
Great mother -censored- job, you crazy son of a -censored-.If i was single i would -censored- your -censored- -censored- with my -censored- while I -censored--censored- your -censored-.
I made a sopa flash, but this one is the funniest one i have seen yet!
Great mother inspired job, you crazy son of a capitalist.If i was single i would oil your dick shaft with my wife while I double checked your taxes.
I am a big H.P. fan!
Great game dude. The art is really great!
Fucking Great!
This was one of my favorite NES games ever!
M.B. DeathInk
Thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed it in flash as well as the NES!
power pc works for me :)
i have a power pc ibook G4 , and it runs smooth!
I think you have to download an older version of flash player!
or maybe i don't know what i am talking about, but it works 8D.
Anyway, thanks man!
This is how games should be!
Two men enter, one man leave!
Age 43
McDonalds training video
The Pitt
Joined on 8/4/11