So I decided to record the process of making my Bartkira page through a series of pictures.
But keep in mind that some of these step were done out of order from a normal comic, for instance, I inked the panel borders first, you would normally do something like that last, but since I already know EXACTLY how the finished page will look I could do it first.
So first I created the panel borders on a piece of 9x12 bristol board . Comic art is usually created on 11x17 bristol board, but as I am accustomed to drawing really small detail (and confident I wouldn’t lose too much quality), I thought a smaller scale would save some time.
Here you can see the first sketches. Since there was already two different styles I had to accommodate (Akira and Simpsons) I didn’t want to introduce a 3rd style (my own), so I used it as an opportunity to painstakingly study the original Akira art, trying to match it almost line for line.
Another close up, you can see I kept the original Akira on my desk the whole time.
On the left you can see it’s finally all finished being sketch except the “MONKS” heads; I was still waiting for confirmation on who the Monks were visually associated with in the Bartkira universe.
And on the right you can see I've started to ink.
Again, keeping the original close at hand.
Here is the final product all inked and scanned side by side with the original Akira art.
I believe this piece becomes far more impressive when you see it next to the original, you can really see how dedicated I was to remaining faithful to the original style.
And for fun I colored it so I could upload here on NeoGeo. I kninda hate the color version compared to the Black and White. But I really like the way panel #6 turned out.
Welp thats it, I have 4 more pages to draw. I might do more of the step by step stuff for the others as well (if people seem interested).
Also, if you like what you see more, please consider becoming a supporter on my Patreon, every little bit helps!
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Fuck that's dope
Hey, thanks playa.