I was recently asked to come on board the BARTKIRA project. For those who don’t know, it’s a mash up of Akira and the Simpson. They have almost finished recreating all 6 volumes.
I was assigned pages 291-295 from volume 6.
I’ll make sure to post ‘em here as they are produced, maybe I will even make a couple new post showing the process.
I haven’t really gathered any steam for this project yet, but I have been trying to hone in a good style for it. I’m probably going to try another patreon push soon, but regardless within a week or two I am going to start posting pages. They are not going to be super high detail because right now I just can’t afford to spend all week on each page (but it will still be cool looking).
Some people have asked me if I abandoned it. No, I will not abandon it, it’s just slow going. This game is being made more as a hobby in my free time (something I don’t have much of), and stupidly I keep restarting from scratch, I think I have rebuild the core engine like 4 times now, but when you are doing something for fun, it’s hard not to just play around with stuff.
With all these restarts you would think it would be amazing, but don’t get hyped, I start completely over with very minimal improvement. The sound and art is fantastic though!
I submitted my Piper picture to the Heavy Metal Cover Competition, there is still time to vote on my submission if you are interested. I’m not sure how much it helps, but a better score will help draw more attention to it.
Here is a link to my submission.
ALSO, I GOT PICO POX... pray for me.
Bartkira is looking purty!
Yeah man, I'm not usually a fan of mashups, but Bartkira just works SO well for some reason.