I recently had the privilege of creating a custom skull emote set for supporters.
I'm sure you read the anouncment news post about it, but if not it's right here.
---PICO DAY---
I'll be there. Keep an eye out for me, say hi. I havn't drank any alcohol since October, so I might be belligerent.
I have a super badass picture in the works. I don't want to give too much away, but it's of a fellow supporter, and there is another cool refrance too but... well I have said too much already.
I'm still working on Stranger Danger 2, I keep putting it on hold, but don't think I'm giving up on it, I just got a lot of shit to do. I also have a fallout comic I am trying to build steam for (this is also kinda a side project). And then I have some very important things that I've been trying to hold off on, but I think it's time. I'll talk about that more later.
Bye for now...
Deathink <3
I'm very forgetful with faces and not sure if I ran into you last year, but I will have my list handy to cross of those I come across. We may run into each other this year...(Again?) lol
Btw, nice job on the Emotes.
Thanks a lot man. And yeah, keep an eye out for me.