I have recently launched a Patreon. I don’t know how I feel about it yet, but the upside is if I reach my 3rd goal I can start production on a FALLOUT graphic novel that will debut right here on Newgrounds.
What’s that? You hate fallout. Well that’s fine, there are many other great reasons to become a supporter including original content I have been very secretive about.
I honestly don’t know how this patreon is going to work out, but it’s a small step in a direction I have been putting off for a while. I’ll have a more detailed write up for you guys soon.
If you can’t afford to become a supporter, but still want to help you can share my patreon through social media, or if you know someone who might dig my stuff, let them know about me.
Either way, even if I don’t make a single cent off Patreon, some good stuff is still coming soon, backers will just help it get here a little faster.
wow, this will be magnificent.
while i cannot pay you, i will support your work through social media.
keep it up!
Sweet, thanks man!