So @Mindchamber day is right around the corner. Last year I toyed with the idea that it would be the last time I entered the competition, however...
If I do enter this year it will be the fourth time for me. I have won the last 3 consecutive years. My first piece being DEATHBUG, next came one of my favorite pieces I ever made ROBOTIC NIGHTMARE, and last year I made probably the most detailed picture I ever drew ROBOTIC SHI.
I am very excited that there will be a lot of good competition this year. @thePsychoSheep, @TurkeyOnAStick and @test-object already threw down the gauntlet. I would also really like to see @Kamikaye enter, he always gives me a run for my money.
★★Too Many Games★★
I had the privileged to sit on the Newgrounds panel at Too Many Games with @Tomfulp, @RicePirate and @Oney. It was a real blast, I was laughing almost the whole time. It was the first time I ever spoke publicly, but It went well. I still haven't found any photos or videos of it yet, but I did see a bunch of people recording. Tom got a real good pic of the crowed, maybe he will upload it.
Later, me and Tom were talked into going to the Pink Dildis panel. It was retarded, insane, juvenile, lame AND FUCKING GREAT! One of the panelists threw a piece of candy and it flew by me and Tom's head so a kicked a heard of chairs back at them. Still looking for the video of that panel too.
Okay got to get back to work <3
2012 winner
2013 winner
2014 winner
Can't wait to see what you do this year! Let's see.. Desert wasteland, burning forest, raining ruined city... What environment will this next one be in?
Also for anyone looking for Pinkdildus:
No sign of the panel video yet, for either panel.
There's only one environment left...
I can't tell if Pinkdildus is mentally retarded or a genius, either way, SUBSCRIBED!