Johnny cash wrote a song about Oney, you don't like Johnny Cash? Go fuck yourself! You don't like Oney? Fuck go yourself!
I drew THIS PICTURE a little while ago, I have been meaning to color it and upload to NEOGEO for while. You can see a clip of it at the bottom of this post, or CLICK THIS LINK TO SEE THE WHOLE PICTURE.
I hope you guys like it!
The Pico day pod cast was awesome! I was checking in throughout the day, and I am glad it did, here is a re-cap of what i saw (seen?). Tom got the ball rolling at like 10 or 11 in the morning and he said hi to all of us, later on they were taking requests and someone went and got Harry to check out my new Starbarians picture. Oney made out with some guy and drew pictures of penises for an hour, then Egorapture made out with some dude, we all got to talk to Egos mom (how cute is that? ego had his mom in chat). Luis was one of the highlights of the pod cast, he a 2 foot flask (the flask was almost as big as he was). And el-cid and some guys hung out on chat after every one left and just played some of the coolest movies I never even knew existed. I got shitfaced and had a great time watching it!
I know this is a joke, but fuck this song is hot!
P.S. I uploaded a POS movie to the flash portal, just to say "Happy Pico day!" I didn't think it would pass judgment, and I even asked lots of people to blam it, but It passed and I have no way to delete it without bothering an admin "SORRY GUYS".
VVV-------Merry And Pipen--------VVV
I was actually trying to teach myself that shuffle dance with Liam the other day... Maybe I can learn it in time for NYC this weekend.
I wasn't going to bring a camra with me to nyc, but now it looks like I might have to! ;D