soooo ... who wants some lemonade :D btw nice line art mate really apreaciate all the hard work on the detailed submision for this years special event <3 it
Two men enter, one man leave!
Age 43
McDonalds training video
The Pitt
Joined on 8/4/11
soooo ... who wants some lemonade :D btw nice line art mate really apreaciate all the hard work on the detailed submision for this years special event <3 it
Thanks a lot man.
And you have it visualized perfectly in your mind?
Sure do!
It is good and all, but what I really wanna know if why all your faved movies here on NG feature freaky mouths!?
I can relate to them better.
for me the colored was better but this is still great and i can see things that i haven't noticed when it was colored.
damn how many hours have u spent on this, i can look at this for hours, it is rich with details :')
I spent a while...
your art is magnificent. i stare at it for hours
Thanks man, I am glad you like it.
Somehow, it all reminds me of Warhammer... but I am not 100% sure that is the case.
Really love your art though - been on NG for a long time on and off (even before i became a member) and so far you are a favorite.
I am curious to know what all the connections are though!
Thanks a real lot man. I always value the support from NG vets.
I have debated making a list of all the easter eggs, but I think that would take all the fun out of it, but I will reveal one real big connection soon.
Sorry to double post - but in most of your robots - I can see links to NG items form others ... not sure what the deal is though :>
To me the colored versio felt way too overwhelmed. It was hard to look at.
Lineart however looks really cool it's like "find waldo" picture :D Focusing gaze on 1 spot at the time and you'll find intresting shapes and details :)
The color actually drowns out all the detail, and serious messes with the black and white balance. Still, its nice to see both.