Interesting, though I havent uploaded anything, I would still love to be part of something on Ng especially on Picoday :)
Two men enter, one man leave!
Age 43
McDonalds training video
The Pitt
Joined on 8/4/11
Interesting, though I havent uploaded anything, I would still love to be part of something on Ng especially on Picoday :)
Your supporter badge gives you an instant in :)
This is such a cool idea, I hope lots of people chime in!
Fine I guess I can add you too :P
Haha, thanks buddy. It should be interesting.
Well, anything for Deathink I guess.
That's the spirit!
Yes! I want in Deathink!
You are in!
Why not? I'm in.
I don't care if I'm in it, but I'm looking forward to playing it. Especially since I enjoyed your previous efforts.
Thanks a real lot man :)
I'd love to be in your game, Dude!
I'm not the one to beg, but please?
Ok, your name has been added to the list.
Oh like The Ventures Fulp thing? That's so awesome. GIVE ME PERMISSION TO ENTER! please
Oh yeah man, I cna't believe you remember that haha. I'll add you to the list.
I will give you a blowie at pico day if you put me in your game.
are you offering too?
I want in too please
You are in!
Yeah why not.
I want to roll with the cool kids!
There are two types of people, Newgrounders, and the rest?
I'm not familiar with NeoGeo.... but: if it's safe for work, count me in.
Oh, hahha. NeoGeo is what I call newgrounds. It is not going to be porn, but some themes might be a little risky.
That would be really cool!
Ya man. I hope this comes out great!
If it's like your previous Pico day game. I'd love to be a part of it.
It's kinda like that one, just hopefully better!
Sounds fun, count me in...if you deem me worthy!
I'd love to be added to the game if possible ;)
I'll put yo on the list :)
I should fit all the criteria, hit me up! :D
Will do my man!
What's the gist of the game? I'd best ask, before I say yes or no.
Well its secret for now. But its all about Newgrounds! If you love NeoGeo, you will like it!