Free things are the best things!
Two men enter, one man leave!
Age 43
McDonalds training video
The Pitt
Joined on 8/4/11
Free things are the best things!
The best things in life are free.
"But fallout is is great!"
Well I won't complain if I get it. :3
Hehe :)
Not a fan of Fallout personally, but I like the other two. ^_-
Meat Boy is crazy awesome!
Well ive played both castle crashers and fallout so i guess im hoping for super meat boy :D
Yeah man, meat boy is AWESOME!
Cool! :D
Personally i'm not old enough for Fallout so yeah I think i would like castle crashers the best but you know :) It is a giveaway so I'm not going to ask you for a specific one XD
oh yeah, my steam is : megacharlie159
I'll keep that in mind man :) Good luck!
i spilled my thoughts to win
Woah, deep bro!
Why not ? Also if it's a copy of SMB or Castle Crashers I'll give it to someone else, I already own those
Tis the season for re-gifting!
Sure. Thanks for making this giveaway! Have a good Christmas deathink!
Thanks dude, you too :)
Nick reporting in.
Been here since 2006, mate. Also, yes, I have a Steam account. Also a big fan of Binding of Isaac and I would like to have the brother game, Super Meat Boy but I would like to have all three if possible because I'm greedy.
Isaac is awesome... but meat boy is AMAZINGGGG!!!!AWESOMESAUCE!!! Oh and thanks for all the work you did in the portal!
I'm some loser that's been on here for years. Look for some faggot named Granzon on steam should the name Keisok pop out of your hat. Why the different name? Because he is me and me is him..
Will do my man :) If Psychopath wins, i'll also sent it to you ;D lolol
that would be a good day if i got a few steam games!
Hell yeah it would.
Yeah free Stuff and I dont have to do a bunch of stuff to get stuff. Not doing stuff for stuff is the greatest stuff. YEAH!
Well you didn't read the ultra fine print. You may have to sacrifice a person or two , but its no biggy.
seems easy enough. I'll screw it up....
I love Fallout! Other game are good too.
I love fallout too!
also, gremlins.
Hellz yeah gremlins.
Time to try my luck (which is horrible).
Luck has nothign to do with it... WILL A WIN!
Let's do this.
I like things. Give me things. Things are nice.
Things are great.