Vault boy looks angry >:D
Nice painting!
Two men enter, one man leave!
Age 43
McDonalds training video
The Pitt
Joined on 8/4/11
Vault boy looks angry >:D
Nice painting!
The wasteland has made him salty.
Her bellybutton's a mouth.
HEELLLLOOO!!! LA LA LA! (Seinfeld reference )
where did it go
Where did what go?
Wow, really impressive O.o
Highest respect for your love for detail, there are so much on this picture, I'm not sure if I have spotted everything just yet ! One of your best artworks imo.
Oh, and that Seinfeld reference in your ealier respond- lol, I still like to watch that show.
Thanks a real lot, I am real glad you like it! And I still watch Seinfeld all the time too.
hope you dont mind me droping by to give you some inspiration here take a look at this
and this
and this
btw i dont know if your a dota fan but belive me these are really nice pics
You can always use more inspiration.
Awww, I just noticed this!
Thanks for the extra shout out Matt! Always much appreciated.
I was wondering where all those new followers were coming from---! haha
Really like your style, this is great.
deathink (Updated )
Thanks Ashley. I think it's been years since I drew a girl in this style.