two sister, after this picture, these are dead with : sword - bed - pistol - guns
Two men enter, one man leave!
Age 43
McDonalds training video
The Pitt
Joined on 8/4/11
two sister, after this picture, these are dead with : sword - bed - pistol - guns
you know, i didn't know until a couple years back that mr. king hated this movie. kind of weird how many awfully famous movies are reviled by the Author of the book they're based on...Forest Gump, even! Did you know he became an Astronaut in the novel?!
after a quick google search, turns out there was actually a sequel to the novel (Gump & Co.), they wanted to do a film version, but uh....I guess they wanted him to team up with O.J. Simpson to get away with murder and becoming a world-champ dancer....earning the chance to dance with Princess Dianna. whose i'm sure they would have tactlessly let forest cause.
i know the book was beloved by all, and i'm not sure how much of that crap is in it. i don't know how it ends, but the film would have ended with the Oklahoma City bombing.
anyway, back to the shining...Timberline Lodge is about 60 miles out from here, and i've never been. i'm sure it's pricey, and i don't know how much of the film-aesthetic is still there. not even sure if they have a hedge-maze.....since all interiors for the film were constructed on-demand, i don't even know if it looks the same inside. hmm....i smell a field-trip!
final thought: Stanley Kubrick is one helluvan asshole.
Shinning is one of my favorite movies. It is also One of my favorite books. Dick Hollaran (the black guy with the shinning) is also one of my favorite literary characters. I can see why King would not like the movie after reading the book. The left out some of the most important part of the book. The most haunted place at the hotel was the playground, and it was never mentioned in the movie. Also the hotels boiler and extremely important part of the book. However the worst change that was made (SPOILER ALERT) was that Dick Hollaren doesn't die at the end, and actually saves the family. Which makes perfect sense, I mean HE HAD THE SHINNING! So how could Jack get the drop on him.
In the movies defense, the book was 1400 pages long, so it would never fit into a movie, so considering that the director did a pretty good job.
"IT" is the same way... did you know in the book , all the guys gang bang the girl in the tunnel :3 I am not making this up, go read it for yourself.
Will it be ever so much fun?
Ever so!
I can't understand how it is extends to Pico Radio 2 ? XD
Na i will probably end in jail for well you know... reasons.
You and me both!
I like that second picture...
Yeah, but what is with the chair? Is that the true murderer?
¿¿¿sdrawckab in gniklat ew era yhw
!ssadab era ew esuaceB
I had to "CORRECT" them.
I think I saw this somewhere before. In a movie. Which I liked.
In a movie i liked too!
Bloody hell.....
ok lets play.
For-eva, and eva and eva!
they are from the film The Shining with Jack and ..... Here's Johnny and btw pedobear alert
The Shining starring pedobear! Now that would be a blockbuster.
Hey, @kkots, the movie you're thinking of is Twister with Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt.
Man I thought Helen Hunt was hot!
Aw yes, the tunnel gang bang hahahah, glorious!
Wow, now I kinda don't feel so bad about Mr. Marsh flipping out about the love letter.
well i'm not sure what's "glorious" about small children gangbanging each other.
also, damn, Deathink, I wish I hadn't read your spoiler. Still, that would have made a better film, maybe, but it does take away something from the mother and son working together. "It" the television miniseries was terrible! What a puke-fest. The novel is probably still my favorite by him, if not ever, although that's a tough call between IT and The Gunslinger for me. i read them both at different ages, in different circumstances, my wife and I read It together....while I read The Gunslinger at home as a little kid.
And another thing, stanley kubrickblahblahlablahblah--DID YOU JUST SAY PICO RADIO 2?! What's that going to be all about?
I have the gunslinger novels, but am trying my hardest not to read them. I try to avoid other artistic works that I feel might have too large an impact on my own art. That might not make too much sense. I still get made that I ever played fallout, for I was already obsessed with post apocalyptic wondering stories, and now I am more so.
The original tunnel snakes :}
Tunnel snakes RULE!
At least they stopped looking at me like this.
When life hands you lemons... chop them up.
Nah I think I'll skip today
!thgir wonk I