You really like Fallout.
Two men enter, one man leave!
Age 43
McDonalds training video
The Pitt
Joined on 8/4/11
You really like Fallout.
I just really like post apocalyptic themes.
I didn't win. Also your Fallout stuff is great!
Thanks man, sorry you didn't win :(
Merry Christmas!
Happy Tanks Giving!
I noticed you used the line breaks like I suggested...good.
You bet ya!
Always great to see more Fallout fan art. Really loved that Adventure Time one you did a while ago, that one brought a smile to my face.
Yeah man, its fun to make.
I would have done something for this but I already got something from you last year so I decided against it.
That is very considerate of you :)
Spank Bank still full?
which one did i get?
The one you wanted.
Oh look i won! seems surreal to won for once... haha.
You are a winner in my book.
Fog's not looped properly.
Clothes look hilarious.
You're a GOD!!
haha, yeah it is just a test. the real fog texture will be very different.
Glad everyone got something. I congratulate the winners of this lot *tiny claps* And thanks D-Think for bein' so generous ^_^ If you ever do more Fallout fanart in the future, would you consider doing Fawkes next? That guy was always my favorite companion, even if he does scare me sometimes. I always figured he was called that because he Fawkes everyone's shit up! Either that or he's pretty clever for a super mutant, like a... you get the idea.
P.S. How was YOUR holiday?
Yeah Fawkes and Marcus are great to have on the team. In fallout tactics you could get 2 guys called the GRIM brothers. Which were 2 night kin super mutants. I actually have drawn a pick of Fawks once. In a pick called pipboy light, but I am thinking of drawling him again soon.
ooh, newgrounds news posts can have more stuff in them now! This is cool.
Good luck on Beast's Fury.
Thanks man, Yeah I remember when Tom told me about his plans to update the news system he said something like "I really want to add these features to give the news posts the ability to become a serious development blog for people like I-smel".
Remember the master?
Pixeled or not, that thing freaked me out stupid.
Yeah man, he was awesome, but Horrigan was the real nightmare.
Yeah. So I should get like 2 things this time >.>
You should! :D
You forgot about me </3
Haha, I didn't forget :)
Hey just throwing this out there.
If you make another game like The Ventures Fulp you should totally put me in it....again.
I really want to do a Ventures Fulp two... Maybe by next Pico day.
I'm about to try out you new games man. But first I gotta say that your artwork is outstanding! I'm a huge fan of Fallout 3 myself. You've got a lot of talent, I'll be sure to check in more often! Cheers!
Realistik (used to be NIGHTkilla)
Yeah It is going to take me a little while to get used to that new name of yours. Anyway thanks a real lot man, it really means a lot to me.
Is it your birthday today?
It was the 11th
Or was it a couple days ago? >.>
All my wootz are here!