I like being active!
Two men enter, one man leave!
Age 43
McDonalds training video
The Pitt
Joined on 8/4/11
I like being active!
Sorry you are too active... okay fine.
You should use the line breaks.
Is it a transformer?
I was slacking...
Bring on the millions of comments.
I Hope not...
*crosses fingers for Hotline Miami*
Gotta get my virtual murder on for the holidays.
tis the seas'N' for pleases 'N'
would love Binding of Isaac or Hotline Miami,
since I'm a selfish pretentious douche: stix_158
Yeah, both are hot games.
hm... pico radio?
I'll pay you one million dollars for them all...or you know, a fairly unwitty comment.
I would like Super Meatboy and Hotline Miami myself (I was tempted to get them during the last steam sale but didn't see any good discounts at the time), but I already own Fallout New Vegas and The Binding of Isaac, so if I happen to fall under any of those two make sure to choose another user.
Will do my man... good luck!
This is a great thing you are doing! :D best of luck to everyone
Thanks man!
zj was here
Said the lady's tattoo!
Ahem, ahem. Yes I like free things and being active on newgrounds.
Both are great!
I'm not looking for a gift- just wanted to thank you again for the 'Indie Game: The Movie' you gifted me last Christmas. So, thanks!
:) I hope you enjoyed it... it is a very inspiring movie.
Oh a teaser of an unknown project! That may or may not have to do with http://a-bot.newgrounds.com/
interesting, why you? now i can't wait!
Ooooh I want Meatboy
That is a great game!
Woo! You gave me Dead Space last time!
*grabs Jewbag*
Dead space was the shit!
Any will do for me.
Okay :)
I love you
( :3)
Good going.
Going good!
Giveaways are cool!
Yes they are!