I would love to, I have only submitted to the audio portal though, unless you consider one april fools joke that i am credited on
Two men enter, one man leave!
Age 43
McDonalds training video
The Pitt
Joined on 8/4/11
I would love to, I have only submitted to the audio portal though, unless you consider one april fools joke that i am credited on
yup, that fine!
Im joining. Derp.
Sorry, people from Long Island can't enter :(
Just kidding!
You mean like, as in a voice actor or?
No, I don't think I would need any work like that, just your user name and icon.
I would like to throw my nameslip into the hat of choosiness.
You bet!
Eh, why not. Count me in :)
I would love to be in your game.
As what? an NPC? a playable character?
I always envisioned myself or a game where you can customize your own NG avatar.
A while ago. Luis made a Flash game where you can play as Tom, Dan, and a couple others. aka Behemoth.
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/484931">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/484931</a>
The bosses were the NG staff.
And I felt that it would've been cool if you could've customized yourself in the game.
With the ability to have any image you want on their shirts.
Oddly enough, my game started out like this game. Kind of a side scrolling arena beat'em up. In fact the similarity is stunning (even more stunning is the fact that I have never seen this game before). But my game had zombies. Anyway, my game quickly evolved into something else. So much so , that it is no longer a brawler at all. You don't even get to control or see any characters.
Anyway, this game makes me feel very jelly now, they did a great job. But I hope people will still find my game fun.
artist post? I only post interviews ( ._.)
Works for me :)
Sure! why not?
That's the spirit!
Pick me :D
Maybe... :D
Sounds fun! Count me in.
You are counted!
You're free to add me, though I only submitted music and drawings.
You are one of the few members I was thinking of adding already anyway ;)
lol - Luis' game has Zombies too. The Madness Zombies to be exact.
What the hay! I was drunk the other night so maybe I channeled his brain waves.
I'd love to be in your new game.
I'd love to have you in it :)
Or wait...maybe that was a Halloween special. They actually re-edited the game so everyone was in Halloween costume.
Even Mindchamber was re-coded as Red Baron.
Holy Shit, I have to get that swf from him.
Oh. Alright that works too, yes I'd like to be in.
Sounds good!
You have a problem with people from Long Island?!
WANNA GO BRO?! jkjkjkjkjk
I had no clue you lived so close...
I'm going to jump on the bandwagon here
Peer presser!
People know who I am?
Your a tool right? Comer on, when am I ever going to get a chance to say that and have it be a good thing?
That would be cool.
wouldn't it?