woow love the metroid art, amazing work as always :D
Two men enter, one man leave!
Age 43
McDonalds training video
The Pitt
Joined on 8/4/11
woow love the metroid art, amazing work as always :D
Thanks, I am glad yo like it!
The Link and Mario figures are my favourite. They're so welldefined.
i wish i was born in that time i know nothing about anything modern >_> screw PS3 i want a super nintendo since at the very least i can fix that
Yeah, I loved (and still love) taking apart systems.
i can't take it apart (not allowed around tools) but i can easily use makeshift things to make somthing run i once used a hairdryer to cook toast
wait a min...did you just say your not allowed around tools?!?! lol just kidding
its all good hairdryer toast tastes like burned hair but hell its food and if yor hungry you eat food so i just powered through the taste and enjoyed my toast
If I was RIck Crimes I would think your a zombie.
So I would shoot you first.
Hahah, I found out about NG's tumbler a few days before Tom announced it. I is follow you too?
deathink (Updated )
Now we can tumble together 8D