now dats epic!
Two men enter, one man leave!
Age 43
McDonalds training video
The Pitt
Joined on 8/4/11
now dats epic!
Hell yeah!
Added you on steam! :)
sweet dude, lets kick some ass!
I really want to ask this, just my thoughts: have you thought about doing a portable app or sth for Pico Radio or even adding new functions, that is, advancing the project further rather than just extending the playlist on the one that's still at the portal right now?
What I meant to say was I'm just curious about what other plans you might have for Pico Radio.
I have thought about a couple of things and through out all the updates I have been adding extra functions here and there. I do plan on making more stuff or it and in the future another version... but I just need more free time.
That Prosnorkulus pic is fantastic. Anyways, you're making a Halloween flash? Awesome.
Well I have a little something that should be done soon, and depending how much time I have left I may have another project done before the end of the month.
ah its fine
you're in no rush :3
Damit! We have no games in common!
I have:
Team Fortress 2-Free
Garry's Mod-10$
Realm of the Mad God-Free
Spiritual Knight-Free
Puzzle Pirates-Free
(I might get castle crashers)
Well game invite me if you ever get it and we will play.
Wait a min... Team Fortress 2 is FREE ?! I think we might have a new game in common :D
Yeah you get weapons and shiz.But no hats unless you buy something.
I was actually going to ask when you were going to do another update to Pico Radio on your last post....
Real soon, sorry I have been slacking, but I have been real busy.