Hey! I have a suggestion for Pico Radio, How about something by Kingbastard for next weeks update?
Two men enter, one man leave!
Age 43
McDonalds training video
The Pitt
Joined on 8/4/11
Hey! I have a suggestion for Pico Radio, How about something by Kingbastard for next weeks update?
Sure dude!
Endless Handbag the loop and the full song next week please?
will do :D
Chucky's face!
:D and I actually drew almost every single frame with a different expression, i didn't recycle images.
It's ironic that his name is Chucky.... whats that i hear on the baby monitor?....What's that on your face mommy? oh uhhh lotion.... i guess you can call it Rug rape li....ter....ally. by the way i seen the Kanji on your death bug submission :D
"My names chuck, and I'm here to f..."
Pleasure to work with ya, man. If you ever want to collaborate again, (I do all sorts of art/animation/audio type-stuff), I'd be more than happy :)
Thanks for the offer man, and tanks for making a great playlist ;)
do you get a lot of PM's?
yes :D
hey just wanted to say a few things
1 i like Pico Radio ive found some stuff on there that i hadn't heard before from the audio portal
2 are you aware of what going on with it crashing if you skip songs too many times and you have to refresh the page to get it to go back to normal?
3 have you considered putting someone in by ArtificialFear on there? i ask because i tend to enjoy his stuff.
yeah the glitch is because of the new "check for loading error" function i put in to it. I do have a couple solutions to fix it, and I will implement them in the next update
How do I get the "Bitches Love Poundcake" medal?
Listen to the songs pound cake!
Childhood Destruction Collab.
We need it.
Also, i'm fairly impressed with how radio has hit off; Great selections, Classy Hud, Clear audio, Incredible atmosphere. Fantastic job to you and lazymuffin.
deathink (Updated )
Thanks man! I made Pico Radio by myself, however I offered to credit lazymuffin (and sexual_lobster) if they would be kind enough to record an intro for me, because Pico Radio would be nothing with out the regular contributions made to the audio portal (by them and other users) over the years. So truly they should take all the credit for its success. Well them and the NG staff who gave all of these great musicians a venue to share there talented endeavors.